A powerful environment
for your organization to
connect with community

Here’s How
MPOWR Community is a database and participant engagement tool created out of a social network platform. Software with a purpose. It’s built on the belief that those who receive services should be empowered to create a vision for a better future – and connections to organizations like yours will help them achieve this vision.
The powerful, flexible features of MPOWR Community are easy to use and designed to meet any or all of your organization’s needs for collaboration, participant engagement, case management and data collection. One organization can use it to build community across staff and participants. Multiple organizations can collaborate through the platform. Or an entire community can ignite adoption to yield the full benefits!
The power and ease of a social network platform
The tool is designed with the knowledge that nobody can do it alone. It supports connection in your organization and with other service providers in your area that use the tool – forming a social network across organizations and community members. This dynamic digital connection supports MPOWR-ed Engagement between people utilizing services and staff implementing them.

Easily set up and manage individual accounts
Setting up accounts for both staff and participants takes just minutes. If you work with individuals who do not have access to technology, your staff can enter information directly, like they would using a traditional database or CRM. Creating an account for organization staff and participants is as easy as setting up a Facebook profile.
Once an individual participant has an account, they create a “portable profile” – which is one set of basic information – that they can use with any organization that has an MPOWR Community account.
Complete forms & implement enrollments digitally
Customize forms to your needs and collect information from participants digitally, including electronic signatures. This means intake paperwork, assessments, participation waivers are implemented virtually between your organization and participants.
Design program groups and invite participants to enroll. Session paperwork, attendance, communication between classes are managed within the tool. Both the organization and participants track as easily as a social network group.
Information exchanged between organizations and participants is stored within the tool for easy reference. Participants can access their account information from a mobile device or computer. This saves them time by keeping all of their “program paperwork” in one place.

Email notifications
Share forms, schedule events or host program groups – and alert participants with a notification to their email. Your organization can communicate across your staff, with your participants, or within a collaboration of other organizations.

Integrate systems and customize to your needs
All data that your team gathers can be quickly added and accessed in the tool. If your organization already uses one or more databases, MPOWR Community can be set up to collect data from participants, and export/import information between systems.

Easy adoption and configuration
Powerful features are designed to be intuitive and simple to navigate – with most information accessible in one click. Instructive wizards will show you how easy it is to customize the tool to fit your needs. Though most customers don’t need support to learn the tool, a team is available to help you unlock the power of MPOWR Community – and bring your vision for community change to life!